
Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)
Leads innovative growth with the power of content and culture, and makes people-centered culture by creating social value in the content area.
KOCCA is a hub agency that oversees the promotion of the content industry in South Korea. It has been launched in May 2009 by intergrating five separate content industry agencies such as Korea Culture and Content Agency, Korean Broadcasting Institute, Korea Game Industry Agency, and etc.
Over the past decade, KOCCA has made a significant impact across a wide variety of content-related issues. It has channeled ita attention and resources into introducing Korean broadcasting programs, games, animations, characters, comics, fashion in additional to K-Drama and K-Pop music, which has already established themseleves as popular genres all across the globe.
KOCCA’s efforts were drive by its desire to win over the hearts of people all over the world with content tha is uniquely and distinctly Korean. To help the Korean content industry secure a competitive edge on the global content market in a new future environment created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, KOCCA has taken on a variety of forward-looking projects. These include the production of Virtual Reality(VR), Augmented Reality(AR) and other next generation content as well as research and development in Culture Technology(CT), the discovery of original stories, development of new broadcasting formats, incubation of start-up businesses, training and development of human resources for the content industry, customized support for creative works, utilization of One Source Multi-Use (OSMU) sharing systems with the same intellectual property, fostering local content, investment and finacing programs for small content businesses, mid-term/long-term research in content policy, and industry analysis.
In Indonesia, the center of the Southeast Asian market, which is rapidly emerging thanks to the New Southern Policy and the post-China perspective, our Indonesia Business Center will always be there for you for South Korean content companies successful entry into the market.
– Biz-matching and overseas advancement consulting
– Online regular business matching program ‘Global Business Center BIZ-On’
– Publishing global content industry trend
– Holding B2B and B2C event, such as K-Content Expo, K-Start-up Mentoring, Content exhibition, and Korean Wave Music Concert.